COMING SOON!!!! June 2023 a new novel by Richard Wade: "INSIDE LOOKING AT THE STARS.   Click here for details


June 2023 - The latest novel by Richard Wade.  Click here for details 
Richard Wade Novels

About the Author

I was brought up in Yeovil, Somerset, but  have lived in London for over forty years.  My wife Trish and I currently live in Ealing West London. 

 I retired early at the age of sixty, after a career working in regulatory compliance as Compliance Director for the Rank Group Plc.   I had always wanted to see if I could write a book so immediately set about writing my first novel, “Seagulls Over Westminster,” a political thriller, which was published in 2019.   I was delighted at how enjoyable and rewarding it was as an experience and also by the very  positive response. 

At the time I wrote it, 'Seagulls' was set in the future (2024/5). However, that time will very soon become the present.  It is interesting that some aspects of the story are actually turning into reality, although my  limited ability to foresee the future did not anticipate Covid!

My latest novel, “Inside Looking at the Stars” was published in June 2023 and is a light hearted thriller. Less of a “whodunnit” and more of a “diddydooit" (and if he didn't, who did?)”  I learned a great deal from writing the first book and used it to make the latest one a story that - I hope - you will find to be a worthy successor.

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