COMING SOON!!!! June 2023 a new novel by Richard Wade: "INSIDE LOOKING AT THE STARS.   Click here for details


June 2023 - The latest novel by Richard Wade.  Click here for details 
Richard Wade Novels


"I enjoyed this book so much I almost missed my stop on the tube!" (Amazon review)

"A great read.  I thought it was all going to be about politics, but a gripping and complex storyline leads and had me finishing it in two days" (Amazon review)

Order 'Seagulls' on Amazon
Published in February 2019, "Seagulls Over Westminster" is a political thriller for our time, but with a gentle strand of humour running through it that makes this intriguing story into an entertaining page turner.

Its 2024 (which was the future, once!) and the UK's Opposition Party of the day sees TV chat show host Bradley Deakin as the best choice to lead them back to power.

They just need to get him elected.

Meanwhile, in Brighton, retired bank manager Harvey Britten is enjoying life with the three things he loves most - his family, his home town and his football team, Brighton and Hove Albion, known as the Seagulls.  He even has a spot on the local radio breakfast show as a football pundit.

When a by-election occurs in Brighton, Harvey objects to a big shot like Bradley being parachuted into his city, so is reluctantly persuaded by his family and listeners to stand against him as a protest candidate - on the clear understanding that he has no chance of winning!

The other main candidate is Alistair Buckland, a hard working local Councillor who has too often been overlooked as a would-be MP. He is currently chairing a committee examining ways to cull Brighton's seagull population. However, he is a man with a big secret.  

As the campaign is increasingly engulfed in scandal, accusations and conspiracy theories, the candidates and the people they love soon realise that they all have much more to lose than just an election.  

Click on the images to hear author Richard Wade discuss his novel
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